
Why need aerated autoclaved concrete block

Aerated concrete has been widely used in the modern production , aerated concrete block usage also increased substantially. why aerated concrete block in the production process should through high-pressure steam curing, What are the benefits for autoclaved aerated concrete blocks? Here to introduce you to autoclaved aerated concrete block had many advantages.
Aerated cement block normal weight of 500-700 kg / cubic meters, only the equivalent of bricks and sand-lime brick 1/4-1/3, usually cement 1/5, is a mild form of cement , suitable for use in the construction of high-rise and low-rise construction of additional walls load-bearing walls. Using this material, so that the whole child build self-respect than usual brick structure built to reduce the weight of more than 40%. Because weight construction slowed, earthquake damage is small, so increased seismic archway experience greatly.
Good thermal insulation properties
Ordinary thermal conductivity of 0.11-0.18 kcal / m 0 hours 0 degrees, only grains of sand-lime brick and adobe 1/4-1/5 (tablets adobe thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.4-0.58 kcal / m 0 hour 0 degrees; sand-lime brick thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.528 kcal / m 0 hours 0 degrees), as usual cement about 1/6.
High strength
Thought experiment, aerated cement block compressive strength greater than 25 kg / cm, equivalent to 125 bricks and sand-lime brick compressive strength.
Seismic performance
In the earthquake of Tangshan Feng level 7.8 earthquake in the South and other places, according to post-earthquake inspection, aerated concrete construction revealed only a few new fissures, while full-brick structure built almost all collapsed, so that the two apart is not far as the same structure and the construction material is not formed bright contrast. Parse think that this is because of aerated cement light density, performance groups, earthquake inertia force is small, so have some experience earthquake. This is our country in terms of this multi-earthquake would be a very big benefit.
Processing performance
Aerated concrete has better processing performance. Can saw, to dig, to nails, to milling, to drill. Moreover,  in the production process and reinforced. To start  bringing great convenience and flexibility.
Have a certain temperature resistance
Aerated cement at a temperature below 600
, its compressive strength increased slightly, when the temperature at about 600 , its compressive strength is close to normal temperature, so as a foam cement fire performance of aerated concrete achieve a national fire safety standards.
Noise performance
Gas from aerated concrete eye structure known as aerated cement inside the structure like flour and water fermented foods Similarly, the number of strokes and more evenly distribute gas eyes closed, because this is an ordinary foam cement do not have the acoustic performance .
Helpful for mechanized start
Until now, the things on the situation, precast aerated concrete slab can save the finished assembly stacking space; saving masonry labor; detract wet work; accelerated by the presence of start into the extent of the rate increase to start.
Fit and strong
Can be based on local raw materials is not the same, not the same conditions tailor-made. Raw materials can be selected river sand, fly ash, ores and other kinds of remedy. Moreover, can be salvaged, helpful environment, the real turning waste into treasure. Aerated cement facility made out of aerated cement block, the strength values ​​are relative to certain conditions in terms of water content, called the reference moisture content, moisture content and the intensity of the reference range countries vary exactly the same.
Aerated concrete block can not be compared with a traditional clay brick numerous advantages, but also environmentally friendly, reduce waste dumps, useful for the urban environment, therefore, aerated concrete block is to promote the government's construction materials. With the acceleration of urbanization, aerated concrete market will promising.

